Getting started guide

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This quick start guide will walk you through setting up an App in Enzoguard and using it via `curl.` Once you have set this up, you can use the credential and connection information in any app in any language and infrastructure of your choice.

Sign up

Go ahead and sign up at and log in to your cloud console.

Create your first App and AppKey

Navigate into your default Pack by clicking on it.

A Pack is a self-contained proxy with a set of Apps and AppKeys for each App.
Next, click on “View apps” and then “New App” create an App and name it “quickstart-app”.

Wonderful. Now, let’s go ahead and create an AppKey for this app. Click the “Create a new AppKey” button.

A new App key will be generated for you.
This is like an auto-generated password that will be used for authentication.
You should see a screen like this one:

Copy the AppKey in a safe place. Once you navigate away from the page, you cannot view this key again. Enzoguard does not store this key either for security reasons.

In case you lose it, you can always generate a new key so don’t worry if you lose it.
We have everything set up. Let’s use the proxy now.

Using the proxy

Copy the curl command you see on the screen.

Open a terminal on your machine and execute the curl command.

Viola! You have just made your first request via a proxy hosted in the cloud!

Use our debug service to verify

You can use our debug service to verify if the proxy works as expected.
Send a curl request without using the proxy. Here is the command to use:


You will see an IP address, this is the public IP address of your computer.

Next, send the first request you copied from the UI once again, and you should see that the IP address is different. The IP address will match the one listed in your Pack.

Why is that?

You sent the request to your Enzoproxy, and then it forwarded the request to the server. Your computer never directly communicated with the debug server (unlike the previous case).

That’s it! You are now ready to use Enzoguard to connect to external servers and protect your data. If you have any questions or issues, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team at [email protected].