Anatomy of Proxy URL

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A Proxy URL is a URL that contains information about connecting with a forward proxy. Since Enzoguard supports HTTP CONNECT proxies, this document focuses on HTTP CONNECT proxy URLs. You can find these throughout your cloud console.

Here is an example proxy URL:

https://quickstart-app:[email protected]

This URL is of the following form:


The above URL

schemehttpsAlways https for Enzoguard for strong security
usernamequickstart-appA unique App name
passwordjesPt3tSlUcAn autogenerated secret key, keep it secure
hostd3wmlvl.enzoproxy.comHostname to reach proxy (always subdomain)
port443Optional port, always 443 for Enzoguard
Comparison of URL form with an example

The URL also has a few separators:

://This character pattern separates the rest of URL from the scheme of the URL
:A colon separates a username and password. This means that the username and password cannot contain a colon.
@The username and password are separated from the host by an @ sign

Proxy URL can be configured in both environment variables HTTP_PROXY as well as HTTPS_PROXY as well as it can be provided to curl using the -x or --proxy option. For example:

curl --proxy https://quickstart-app:[email protected]

Note: The value above as is won't work since the key has been revoked.

A given Proxy URL is all that a typical HTTP client needs to use a proxy for any purpose. If the username and password are omitted from a Proxy URL, it is assumed that the proxy doesn't use any authentication.